Saturday, May 04, 2013

RN Nursing Graduation

Last night was my soon to be daughter-in-laws's RN pinning ceremony. It's hard to believe that it was all the way back in 2001 that I received mine. I was so proud and nervous. I had no clue what my career and life would be like as a nurse and now as a nurse practitioner.

I have formed several friendships over the years as a nurse and a nurse practitioner blogger. Surprisingly enough, most have been through the blogosphere. I have always loved surfing through my nursing buddy's blogs and seeing how their careers and lives have been going. Unfortunately, for me, blogging has been put on the back burner for far too long.

So.... I will be making a concerted effort to blog more often. It will still be random, but more often. I also hope to have more time to read and comment more on your blogs. Hopefully, I will start getting more REAL comments instead of all the junk spam that I've gotten in the last few months.

Here I come! Watch for my comments and come back here and leave some again and let's see if we can get the blog roll started again!


  1. I still read all the NP blogs...I stopped blogging because I was worried about HIPAA...also because of all the spam posts I was getting too. I do miss writing my blog.

  2. I totally agree that HIPAA crap has scared several people away from blogging, but that's how we all learn from each other. I think that grossly telling all about a patient is wrong, but come on! It's stupid that even if we change details, someone can say "oh that must be me" and mess it all up. I will continue to blog and take my chances though I really miss writing about experiences like I used to.

  3. Anonymous1:32 PM

    YAY! Looking forward to more blogs from you..
    As we are on the topic of Graduation.. I will be graduating as a FNP in 2 weeks! Any recommendations on which review courses to take for the NP board certification exam? I was thinking of getting Barkley's home study kit instead of doing the live course.

    Please provide any recommendations if possible! Thank you!

  4. Wholisticnurse, I went to your blog site to answer your question but I will here as well. I didn't use any prep study courses because I figured that if I didn't know enough by then, they wouldn't help much. I took the ANCC exam and it was not as bad as I thought it would be. I only wish that I had gotten ANCC's position on issues because it was on the test.

  5. I haven't blogged in a while either, but it is because I have been so busy with my kids and starting work again. I came on tonight, because I am going to be working with kids and I haven't done peds since school 3 years ago. I feel like I forgot everything! I was hoping for some advice, quick references and good resources. I see that there is a PediNP and was hoping for some good pointers.


