Saturday, October 08, 2005

Thoughts on love

For an assignment this semester, I had to come up with my definition of love. It was harder than I thought it would be. There are many different types of love. I have had "puppy love" as a child, with silly giggles and daydreams of knights in shining armor. Then comes the immature type that comes fast and hard and is fleeting. Often, it is the first real experience of love for most. At the time, it seems to be the right one and that it will last forever. You grow up and grow apart because you can no longer meet each others needs because you never really knew what they were to begin with. You look back at it later with bittersweet memories and realize that it was just a growing experience preparing you for adult love. Adult love grows from friendship, passion, truth, trust and mutual goals. Adult love is a work,forever in progress, with daily changes and challenges. It's the ability to forgive your partner's aggravating quirks and habits even though sometimes you'd like to run away, knowing that they are putting up with yours as well. Knowing when the physical passions start to fade that the relationship is not built on this aspect alone and the memories will sustain you through your elder years when you are sitting together on the porch just enjoying each other's company.

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